SOFTWARES :( Photoshop, Flash, Dream Weaver, HTML, Corel Draw)
Introducing HTML , Getting Started , Under Standing The Basic Tags , Tags That Affect the appearance of your text , Indenting and Creating Spaces with & nbsp and Creating Lists, Creating Links , Images Tables , Frames , Animation , Forms ,CSS , More Text Formatting , Images Maps ,DHTML , Internet and Computer Jargon , Fun with Java Script , Adding Music to Your Web Pages.
Vector and Raster Software, Faces of Dreamweaver, Menus and Toolbars, Status Bar, Property Inspector, CustomizingDreamweaver, Interface,Site Control, Linking, Typography, Tables, Layout, Frames, Rollovers, Cascading Style Sheets, Sourcing and Configuring HTML, Java Script, Forms, Behaviours, Working With Fireworks, Automation, Graphics and Multimedia,Templates and Libraries,Accessibility,Adding Sounds ,Creating Flash Text, Flash button, Getting it online,Troubleshooting.
Introduction to Photoshop, Basic Drawing Tool Menu, Selection Modes, Transformations, Adjusting Color, Paintbrushes and Art Tool ,Digital Painting, Short Cut Keys, Using Masks, Guides, Grid and Slices. Importing Images, Exporting Images, Units and Rulers Preset Manager, Floating Palettes,Layers and Paths,Filters and Other Funky Effects,Special Effects, Photo Repair, Pattern Creation, Web Design and Publication
Introduction to CorelDraw,Drawing Screen, Working withTool, Line spacing and Word Spacing, Artistic Text , Working with Shapes Text and Objects, Short Cut Keys , Special Effects to Bitmaps, Selecting Fill and Hairline Colors, Duplicating and Manipulating Objects, Combining Objects , Intersecting Objects, Shaping and Reshaping Objects, Converting Symbols
Introduction to Flash , Work Stage, Understanding Tools , Working with Layers , Timeline Header , Online Skin, Create Symbols , Transitions , Tween Animation , Importing Audio and Video files , Basic Key frames Animation , Add Motion Guide, Bone and Rigging , Making Animations with Easing , Anatomy Animation , Lips Animation, Walking Cycle. Apply Graphic Filters and Blends, Add Text to a Document, Working with Objects and Classes.
Introduction to XML, Attributes, Entities, Namespaces, DTDs , Instances and Schemas, CSS, Databases, XML Queries, Advanced XML, XML Web Services (WSDL), Analyzing Requirements & Building , . NET Solutions .
Introductions to Java Script, Using Operations , Statements and Functions , Handling Events , Working with Object s, Form and Elements Creating Frames and Windows, Using Cookies , Link and Anchor , Using Images , Mathfunctions, Developing Search Tool , Java Applets , Java API, ActiveX Components , Plug –lns, Multimedia Applications, Interfacing GI Programs
Introduction to C#, Data Type and Operations , Control Statements , Array and Functions , Introduction to Classes and Inheritance , Over loading and Overriding , Name Space and Interface , Delegates and Events , Attributes, Structure and Enumerators , Introducing MDI, Drawing Graphics Multithreading, Properties and Indexers, Stream & Files , String Handling, Error handling and Debugging , Database Connection, Using Collection, Web Service
Introduction VB Script Basic, Variables, Subtypes and Constants , Array, Operators , Script Procedures , Program Control and Structure ,Strings and Number ,Event Handlers
Introduction to ASP using HTML, Standard Controls of ASP, Other Control of ASP Master Pages & CSS. Creating Simples ASP. Net Web applications with event driven model, understanding ASP. Net server Controls , Working with data bound controls, Processing XML file in ASP.Net, Styling XML content in ASP, Net, Consuming Web services in ASP.Net web applications, Configuring ASP.Net applications with web.Config, Deploying mobile web applications via ASP. Net
Pendanathu Plaza , 2nd Floor,IDBI Bank, Near Head Post Office, Main Road-Pala,Kottayam, Kerala, Pin : 686575
Ph : +91 4822 200199, +91 4822 200 299, Mob : +91 9496804551, +91 9947889245
Email: csoftpala@gmail.com, Web: www.csoftitsolutions.com
2nd Floor, Ninarpally Bldg, Central Junction
Erattupetta - 686121, Kottayam District, Kerala
+91 4822- 277 341, +91 9544900199, +91 9496804551
Email: csoftetpa@gmail.com, Web: www.csofteducation.com