PGDCA (Post Draduate Diploma In Computer Application)
"PSC Approved Courses"
1. Post Draduate Diploma In Computer Application ( PGDCA )
Normal Duration – 1 Year Fasttrack : 6 Months
Total Semester : 2 SEM
SEMESTER - 1 Paper - 1
Computer Application
- What Is A Computer
- Characteristics Of A Computer
- Generations Of Computer
- Introduction To The Binary System
- Components Of a Computer
- Input Units
- Output Units
- Processing Unit
- Storage
- Classification Of Computers
- Networking
- Software
- Operating Systems
- Computer Languages
- Plug Ins
- Applications Of Computer
- Miscellaneous Terms
Using MS-DOS
- What Is A Disk Operating System
- How Is Ms-DosOrganised
- Different Versions Of Dos
- Directory Commands
- General Commands
- Disk Management Commands
- Dos Utility Commands
- Using Copy Con Command To Build File
- Introduction to Simple Batch File
- Batch File Command
Windows 7/8.1 or 10
- Introduction
- About Windows 7/8.1 or 10
- Starting Windows 7/8.1 or 10
- Components Of Windows Screen
- Taskbar
- Shutting Down Windows 7/8.1 or 10
- Windows Programs/Applications
- Using Windows Help
- File Management
- Window Explorer
- the control panel & settings
- icons in the control panel
- mouse & keyboards
- disk management
- new look of windows 7/8.1 or 10
- more built-in utilities
- improved security
- networking features
- multimedia Capabilities of Windows 7/8.1 or 10
- File and Folder Features
- Internet Features
- Features of Windows 7/8.1 or 10 Professional
- Features of Linux
Introductions MS-Word
- Word Processing : An Introduction
- MS-Word –An Introduction
- Document Enhancement
- Automated Features in MS-Word
- Editing and Proofing Tools
- Drawing , Tables,Borders,and Shading Tools
- Creating a Table
- Sorting
- Find & Replace
- Spell Checking Confirm
- Autocorrect
- Mail Merge
- Templates
- Using Wizards
- Graphics with Word
Introductions to MS-Excel
- Spreadsheet : An Introduction
- MS-Excel Introduction
- Formulas
- Functions
- Formatting and Printing
- Printing a work book
- Working format in excel
- Macros
Introductions MS- PowerPoint
- Presentation : An Introduction
- The PowerPoint Window
- Commands
- Creating Presentation
- Drawing in MS-PowerPoint
- Objects
- Clip Art
- Overview
- Inserting a chart
- Outlines and tables
- Tables From MS- Word
- Masters, Templates & Wizards
- Templates
- Wizards
- Slide Shows
- Printing your Presentation
- Running a Slide show
- Saving a Presentation as a Slide show
System Tools & Virus
- Scan Disk
- Disk Deferagmenter
- Backup
- System Monitor
- What is Virus
- Norton Antivirus
Internet & E-Commerce
- What is Internet
- Who manages the Internet
- Internet Protocols
- The IP Address
- Uniform Resource Locator(URL)
- Routing Packets over the Internets
- Internet Service provider(ISP)
- Type of Internet Connections
- Services over the Internet
- The World Wide Web
- Using Internet Explorer
- E-Commerce
- E-Convergence
- Security on the Internet
- IT Enables Services (ITES)
Outlooks Express
- Getting Started with Outlook Express
- Folders
- Using Outlook Express
- Using the Address Book
- Utilities
- Managing Newsgroups
- Components of a Web Page
- Getting Started with Front Page
- Creating Lists
- Creating Tables
- Inserting Forms
- Editing HTML
- Adding Script
- Introduction to Frames
- Introduction to a Web
- Other Utilities
- Introduction to Database
- Introduction to RDBMS
- Introduction to MS Access
- Tables
- Forms
- Queries
- Reports
System Analysis &Development(SAD)
Overview Of System Analysis And Design
- Rely-Life Business System
- Life Cycle Models
- System Documentation Considerations
The System Analyst
- Skills, Qualifications And Responsibilities
- Character And Ethics
System Planning And Analysis
- Various Feasibility Studies
- Cost Benefit Analysis
Tool And Techniques For Modelling
- Decision tree
- System flowchart
System Design AndModelling
- File access and organization
- Database design
Input And Output Design Control
Modular and structured design
System Development, Implementation And Maintenance
- System Implementation
- Maintenance
System audit and security
- Risk analysis
- Control measures
- Firewall
Object Oriented Analysis and Modelling
- The Features Of Oops
- Models Of Oops
- Relationship Among Model
Management Information System
Paper - 2
Fundamentals Of C Language
- Characters in c
- Identifier
- keywords
- tokens
- variables
- constant
Operators And Expressions
- Arithmetic Operators
- Relational Operators
- Logical Operators
- Increment And Decrement Operators(++ And --)
- Assignment Operators
- Conditional Operator (? :)
- Bitwise Operator
Input /Output Functions And Statements
- Formatted Input/output functions
- Character Input/output Function
Control Statements in C
- If-else statement
- Nested if – else statement
- else-if ladder
- Switch statement
- go to statement
- continue statement
- exit function
Loop Control Structures in C
- for loop
- while loop
- do-while loop
Arrays and Subscripted Variables
- one-dimensional array
- two-dimensional array
String Manipulations in C
- String handling functions in c
- Reading/writing strings
- Additional string handling functions
- operations with characters
Functions in C
- user-defined functions
- function declaration
- calling function
- actual or formal arguments
- function prototypes
- recursion
- void function
- Storage class in c
Structures and Unions
- Structure variables and arrays
- Structure as a function arguments
- size of() of a structure
- enum Data Type
- pointers as function arguments
- pointer with arrays
- dynamic memory allocation
- pointer with string
- pointer with structures
- pointers to functions
- Types of files
- File declaration
- File processing
Visual Basic Programming Language(VB)
The Integrated Development Environment
- Visual Basic Programming Language
- Visual Basic Development Environment
- Creating A VB Application
Managing projects
- Creating An Interface
- Setting Properties
- Coding
- Running The Application
- Creating An Executable File
- Customizing The Environment
- Object Browser
Introduction To Visual Basic Language
- Data Type
- Variables
- Constants
- Operators
- Arrays
- Objects
- Procedures
- Decision Structures
Forms And Menus
- Form Object
- Menus
- Using Dialog Boxes
- Control Categories
- Commonly Used Intrinsic Controls
- Commonly Used ActiveX Controls
- file system controls
- custom controls
Concepts Of Objects And Classes
- The Visual Basic Class
- Creating Vb Classes
- Class Module Vs Standard Module
- Building Classes With The Class Builder
- Object Linking And Embedding
- OLE Container Control
Visual Basic and Windows API
- The windows API and Visual Basic
- Using The API Text Viewer Application
- Dynamic-Link Libraries(DLL)
- Decaling a DLL procedure
- Manipulating graphics
Graphics with Visual Basic
- Displaying Text On Form and Picture Box
- Adding Pictures to the application
- The Drawing Method
- Working with color
Event Driven Programing
- Event Handler
- Some Common Events
Multiple Document Interface (MDI)
- Creating an MDI Application
- The MDI Notepad Application
- Parent And Child Application
Data Manager and Data Controls
- Visual Basic Database Architecture
- Data Manager
- Data Control
Data Controls
- Data Access Object Model
- Opening Database
- Manipulating Records
Semester - 2 Paper - 1
HTML & Web Page Designing
- Introduction to HTML
- Understanding the Basic Tags
- Tags that affect the appearance of text
- Indenting and Creating spaces with   and Creating lists
- Creating Links
- Images
- Tables
- Frames
- Forms
- Text formatting
C++ Program Structure
- Pre-Processor Directives And Header File
- Header File
- User Defined Data Type
- Difference Between C And C++
- Literals
Control Statements
- The If Else Statement
- The Switch Statement
- Break Statement
- Continue Statement
- Goto Statement
Looping Statements
- The For Loop Statements
- While Statement
- Do-While Statements
Additional Operators In C++
- Dummy Block({})
- The Scope Resolution Operator (::)
- Global Variable Accessing
- Reference Operator
- Non Argument Macro
- Argument Macro
- Single- Dimension Arrays
- Two- Dimension Arrays
Class And Objects
- Accessing the class elements
- normal class
- nested class
- class object as an array
- class object as a pointer
Dynamic memory allocation
- Memory allocation for 1D-Array
- Memory allocation for 2D-Array
Constructors and destructors
- Void constructor
- Single constructor
- multiple constructor
- copy constructor
- default constructor
- Single inheritance
- Multiple inheritance
- Hierarchical inheritance
- Multilevel inheritance
- Hybrid inheritance
- Multi Path inheritance
Compile time polymorphism
- Function Overloading
- Function Overriding
- Void Pointer
- Operator overloading
- Base class object receiving derived class object’s value
- Base class pointer holding derived class object’s address
Virtual Function
Friend Function
Friend Class
Abstract class
Generic Functions
- Template functions
- Templates with different arguments
- Templates function with other data types
- Objects declaration using templates class
- Template using base class and derived class
- Template with friend function
Exception handling
File Handling in C++
Basics of Java
- Java - What, Where and Why?
- History and Features of Java
- Internals of Java Program
- Difference between JDK,JRE and JVM
- Internal Details of JVM
- Variable and Data Type
- Control Statements
- Looping Statements
- Array
OOPS Concepts
- Advantage of OOPs
- Object and Class
- Method Overloading
- Constructor
- static variable, method and block
- this keyword
- Inheritance (IS-A)
- Method Overriding
- Covariant Return Type
- super keyword
- final keyword
- Runtime Polymorphism
- static and Dynamic binding
- Abstract class and Interface
- Package and Access Modifiers
- Encapsulation
- Object class
String Handling
- String: What and Why?
- Immutable String
- String Functions
- String Comparison
- String Concatenation
- Substring
- Methods of String class
- String Buffer class
Exception Handling
- Exception Handling: What and Why?
- try and catch block
- Multiple catch block
- Nested try
- finally block
- throw keyword
- Exception Propagation
- throws keyword
- Exception Handling with Method Overriding
- Multithreading: What and Why?
- Life Cycle of a Thread
- Creating Thread
- Thread Scheduler
- Sleeping a thread
- Joining a thread
- Thread Priority
- Garbage Collection
- Runnable class
Input and output
- FileOutputStream&FileInputStream
- ByteArrayOutputStream
- SequenceInputStream
- BufferedOutputStream&BufferedInputStream
- FileWriter&FileReader
- CharArrayWriter
- Input from keyboard by InputStreamReader
- Input from keyboard by Scanner
AWT Controls and Swing Controls
- Layout Managers
- Event Handling
- The Action Listener interface
- Panels
- Classes for various controls
- JButton class
- JRadioButton class
- JTextArea class
- JComboBox class
- JTable class
- JTree
- Open Dialog Box
- Creating Notepad
- Creating applications
Paper -2
DBMS –(Database Management System)
- Introduction of Database and DBMS
- Advantages and Disadvantages of DBMS
- Components of DBMS
- Levels of Architecture
- Instance and Schemes
- DBMS facilities
- Database Users
- Data dictionaries
- Entity Relationship models
- Attributes
- Mapping constraints
- Aggregation
- Mapping cardinalities
- Entity sets and Relationship sets
- Traditional Data Models
- Relational Model
- Relations
- Normalization
- Relational Algebra
- Tuple Oriented Relational Calculus
- Relational Database Design
- Demoralization
- Overview of Advanced DBMS
Advanced C- Programming
- Arrays
- Stacks
- Queues
- Linked List
- Binary Search Tree
- Sorting
- Searching
Hardware & Network Technnologies
Part-I: Computer Architecture, Mother Board and its all components, Computer Components (Input/Output Devices, Primary and Secondary Memory, Power Supply, Monitor). Computer Assembling, Make your own Computer, Operating System Installation, Windows Vista, Software Installation, Trouble Shooting, Bios Setups, Identifications of Components.
Part-2: Introduction to networking Technology, Types of Net working, Transmission Media, CAT 6 Cables, Transmission Media Adapter, Network Topologies, Network Architectures, Networking an Internet Connection with Group Computers, Raid Configuration with Hard disk, Windows 2008 /2012 Server, Windows 7/8.1/10 Net Working Features
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